Wednesday 9 December 2009

30 years of feminism in Spain

Thirty years since the first Feminist Congress was held in Spain. Celebrated by a meeting in Granada.

From Canal Sur (6.12.2009):
Las cifras se han desbordado. Cuatro mil participantes de todas las comunidades autónomas y ciento cincuenta ponencias ponen de manifiesto que el feminismo sigue muy vivo. Aseguran que la lucha por la igualdad debe continuar y extenderse a otros países.
‘Granada, treinta años después’ es el título que enmarca estas Jornadas Feministas Estatales que concluirán mañana lunes. A Granada han llegado cuatro mil quinientas mujeres de todo el país y representantes internacionales para tratar una batería de temas en torno a ciento cincuenta mesas.Mañana lunes concluye este congreso que ha puesto de manifiesto la importancia y la vigencia del feminismo español.Este domingo se concentran en apoyo de la activista saharaui Aminetu Haidar y posteriormente recorrerán en manifestación el centro de Granada.

Friday 4 December 2009

Feminist books for under-fives

Good discussion and some interesting books mentioned on a Guardian CIF article. Comments range from brilliant to the usual anti-feminist 'keep us all stereotyped or the world will grind to a halt' nonsense. Click on title of this post for the article.

I will collect a list of the books at some point. I hope.

Here is a site with recommendations - an anti-princess reading list from

Thursday 3 December 2009

Girls prefer pink - biologically - really???

While ferreting around on the pinkstinks website and zapping off my own version of the email to the head office, I discovered this article by Ben Goldacre debunking the idea that colour preference is genetically determined by males' and females' biological make-up. Another way of putting us all into little boxes.

Pink stinks takes on ELC

Check out the campaign against sex-stereotyped children's toys.

Women's Sport and Fitness Foundation

...celebrates its 25th anniversary today - such women as Kelly Holmes, Rebecca Adlington, Paula Radcliffe, Rebecca Romero, Nicole Cooke among others.

But it still doesn't get the publicity that men's sport gets. Grr.

Go girls and women, go.